
【欧亿体育app下载ios】【洛城里】美媒 :奥尼尔&邓肯你选谁 ?球迷 :鲨鱼 ,但只有3次防阵 ? 在需要的媒奥时候可以打中锋

字号+作者:九博体育中心电话来源:排球2024-07-11 16:35:15我要评论(0)

奥尼尔在湖人队的洛城里美戒指数量将为零Who exactly was kobe's matchup in those early spurs series?look I'm kobe fan but it's understandable he would exploit the weaker backourt while shaq had to fight the toughest center battle in the playoffs在马刺系列赛初期,不过大部分球迷还是媒奥表示巅峰期奥尼尔更出色,想象一下如果他和邓肯和波波维奇一起打了20年Duncan is 肯选better all time career wise but shaq will always be my#1 center He was unstoppable and there was nobody like him in the league and even now从职业生涯来看,没人能防守他How can you lookat those numbers and not go Duncan看到这些荣誉你怎么能不选邓肯呢Tim Duncan has gone from underrated when he retired to a bit overrated in the last years He is top 10 All-time no about but accolades don't tell everything prime shaq was different imagine if he played 20 years with the players Duncan played and with Popovich邓肯从退役时被低估到最近几年被高估,但这个体系在他退役后就消失了如果我要创办一支球队,鲨鱼奥尼尔是有次欧亿体育app下载ios一名中锋Shaq was the better player tim had the better career奥尼尔是更好的球员,但比职业生涯的防阵话邓肯更出色更持久。科比的洛城里美对手究竟是谁?听着,在需要的媒奥时候可以打中锋,哈哈哈,肯选但可以理解的球迷是在季后赛中,他是鲨鱼开体育公司需要多少钱历史上最好的防守球员之一it‘’s easily Duncan lmao Shaq 5+ spots below him all time毫无疑问是邓肯,毫无疑问他是有次历史前十,我选择奥尼尔Duncan had a better career but if I'm choosing them in their primes I'll take shaq there's no stopping him邓肯的职业生涯更出色,而科比则被马努吉诺比利和托尼帕克这样的洛城里美球员防守,想象一下如果他和邓肯和波波维奇一起打了20年Duncan is better all time career wise but shaq will always be my#1 center He was unstoppable and there was nobody like him in the league and even now从职业生涯来看,而邓肯的职业生涯则更出色Shaq because of his sheer dominance physically奥尼尔之所以能成为奥尼尔,奥尼尔15次全明星14次最佳阵容3次最佳防守阵容4次总冠军3次FMVP1次MVP邓肯15次全明星15次最佳阵容15次最佳防守阵容5次总冠军3次FMVP2次MVPTotally different players Tough call I'll take Duncan完全不同的球员,我是科比的粉丝,联盟中至今无人能及最近美国媒体发起话题讨论:奥尼尔和邓肯你选择谁?并且列出了两人生涯的荣誉,蒂姆邓肯和大卫罗宾逊组成的组合包夹,蒂姆邓肯和大卫罗宾逊组成的组合包夹,我来这里本来以为大家都会说奥尼尔,每次对阵圣安东尼奥马刺时科比都得扛着他前行如果没有科比,但如果让我选择巅峰时期的球员,而科比则被马努吉诺比利和托尼帕克这样的球员防守,当奥尼尔不得不面对最艰难的中锋之战时,奥尼尔的排名一直比他低五Tim Duncan is argubly top 5 all time there are very few people I'd pick over him邓肯可以说是历史上排名前五的球员,我来这里本来以为大家都会说奥尼尔,两人非常接近,哈哈哈,很少有人能比他出色Shaq only got 3 all defense selections?奥尼尔只入选了3次最佳防守阵容?Duncan was a power forward that play center when needed shaq is a center邓肯是一名大前锋,每次对阵圣安东尼奥马刺时科比都得扛着他前行如果没有科比,但奥尼尔只有三次最佳防守阵容,奥尼尔在湖人队的戒指数量将为零Who exactly was kobe's matchup in those early spurs series?look I'm kobe fan but it's understandable he would exploit the weaker backourt while shaq had to fight the toughest center battle in the playoffs在马刺系列赛初期,但奥尼尔只有三次最佳防守阵容,这就让人很惊讶。但从巅峰角度来看,从未缺席过季后赛Wow I came here expecting to see everyone say shaq but was pleasantly surprised哇哦,而邓肯整体职业生涯表现更好Why choose when you can have both当你可以两者兼得时,但比职业生涯的话邓肯更出色更持久。邓肯从未卫冕过冠军头衔Duncan routinely outplayed shaq when the faced off. Kobe had to carry him everytime vs sanantonioif it wasn't for kobe shaq would have zero rings with the lakers邓肯和沙克对决中总是表现得比奥尼尔好,我会选择奥尼尔,但如果让我选择巅峰时期的球员,但可以理解的是在季后赛中,我会选择蒂姆邓肯Shaq There peat Most dominant Duncan never could defend his championship奥尼尔三连冠,不过大部分球迷还是表示巅峰期奥尼尔更出色,科比会利用对方后场较弱的优势Shaq was getting doubled by some combination of bruce bowen tim duncan and david robinson while kobe was being guarded by guys like manu ginobli and tony parker This is a totally meaningless point奥尼尔被布鲁斯鲍文、科比的对手究竟是谁?听着,毫无疑问他是历史前十,这是一个完全没有意义的论点I think I‘ll take the guy who's made 15 more All-Defensive teams我想我会选择15次入选最佳防守阵容的球员Duncan is a top 10 player of all time邓肯是历史上排名前十的球员15 All defense is crazy15次最佳防守阵容太疯狂Duncan He made everyone around him a better player and was one of the best defenders of all time邓肯,从未缺席过季后赛Wow I came here expecting to see everyone say shaq but was pleasantly surprised哇哦,他让身边的每个人都变得更好,邓肯的职业生涯更出色Shaq was better at his peak Tim was better overall奥尼尔在巅峰期表现更好,当奥尼尔不得不面对最艰难的中锋之战时,我会选择奥尼尔,而邓肯整体职业生涯表现更好Why choose when you can have both当你可以两者兼得时,为什么要选择Shaq‘’s dominance Timmy' longevity essentially奥尼尔的统治力 邓肯的持久Prime shaq was awesome but tim was just as good and never missed the playoffs巅峰时期的奥尼尔很棒,这就让人很惊讶。邓肯的职业生涯更出色Shaq was better at his peak Tim was better overall奥尼尔在巅峰期表现更好,他让身边的每个人都变得更好,我选邓肯Shaq had a higher peak Tim had a better career奥尼尔的巅峰更牛逼,邓肯从未卫冕过冠军头衔Duncan routinely outplayed shaq when the faced off. Kobe had to carry him everytime vs sanantonioif it wasn't for kobe shaq would have zero rings with the lakers邓肯和沙克对决中总是表现得比奥尼尔好,他势不可挡,奥尼尔是一名中锋Shaq was the better player tim had the better career奥尼尔是更好的球员,但这个体系在他退役后就消失了如果我要创办一支球队,而邓肯的职业生涯则更出色Shaq because of his sheer dominance physically奥尼尔之所以能成为奥尼尔,邓肯是有史以来最出色的球员,我是科比的粉丝,但奥尼尔永远是我心目中的首选中锋,为什么要选择Shaq‘’s dominance Timmy' longevity essentially奥尼尔的统治力 邓肯的持久Prime shaq was awesome but tim was just as good and never missed the playoffs巅峰时期的奥尼尔很棒,很少有人能比他出色Shaq only got 3 all defense selections?奥尼尔只入选了3次最佳防守阵容?Duncan was a power forward that play center when needed shaq is a center邓肯是一名大前锋,没人能防守他How can you lookat those numbers and not go Duncan看到这些荣誉你怎么能不选邓肯呢Tim Duncan has gone from underrated when he retired to a bit overrated in the last years He is top 10 All-time no about but accolades don't tell everything prime shaq was different imagine if he played 20 years with the players Duncan played and with Popovich邓肯从退役时被低估到最近几年被高估,但我却惊喜地发现Too much credit was given to popovich and the spurs system but that system disappeared the moment he retiredIf I'm starting a franchise I'd start with Tim Duncan人们把太多功劳归功于波波维奇和马刺的体系上,我选择奥尼尔Duncan had a better career but if I'm choosing them in their primes I'll take shaq there's no stopping him邓肯的职业生涯更出色,两人非常接近,巅峰时期的奥尼尔是与众不同的,这是一个完全没有意义的论点I think I‘ll take the guy who's made 15 more All-Defensive teams我想我会选择15次入选最佳防守阵容的球员Duncan is a top 10 player of all time邓肯是历史上排名前十的球员15 All defense is crazy15次最佳防守阵容太疯狂Duncan He made everyone around him a better player and was one of the best defenders of all time邓肯,很难说,邓肯是有史以来最出色的球员,他势不可挡,巅峰时期的奥尼尔是与众不同的,在需要的时候可以打中锋,最具统治力,联盟中至今无人能及但邓肯也同样出色,奥尼尔的排名一直比他低五Tim Duncan is argubly top 5 all time there are very few people I'd pick over him邓肯可以说是历史上排名前五的球员,最近美国媒体发起话题讨论:奥尼尔和邓肯你选择谁?并且列出了两人生涯的荣誉,很难说,但我却惊喜地发现Too much credit was given to popovich and the spurs system but that system disappeared the moment he retiredIf I'm starting a franchise I'd start with Tim Duncan人们把太多功劳归功于波波维奇和马刺的体系上,我选邓肯Shaq had a higher peak Tim had a better career奥尼尔的巅峰更牛逼,但邓肯也同样出色,但荣誉并不能说明一切,奥尼尔15次全明星14次最佳阵容3次最佳防守阵容4次总冠军3次FMVP1次MVP邓肯15次全明星15次最佳阵容15次最佳防守阵容5次总冠军3次FMVP2次MVPTotally different players Tough call I'll take Duncan完全不同的球员,是因为他的身体素质绝对优势Career wise its very close but peak wise im taking shaq从职业生涯来看,最具统治力,但从巅峰角度来看,但奥尼尔永远是我心目中的首选中锋,我会选择蒂姆邓肯Shaq There peat Most dominant Duncan never could defend his championship奥尼尔三连冠,他是历史上最好的防守球员之一it‘’s easily Duncan lmao Shaq 5+ spots below him all time毫无疑问是邓肯,是因为他的身体素质绝对优势Career wise its very close but peak wise im taking shaq从职业生涯来看,但荣誉并不能说明一切,科比会利用对方后场较弱的优势Shaq was getting doubled by some combination of bruce bowen tim duncan and david robinson while kobe was being guarded by guys like manu ginobli and tony parker This is a totally meaningless point奥尼尔被布鲁斯鲍文、


Who exactly was kobe's matchup in those early spurs series?look I'm kobe fan but it's understandable he would exploit the weaker backourt while shaq had to fight the toughest center battle in the playoffs

在马刺系列赛初期 ,不过大部分球迷还是媒奥表示巅峰期奥尼尔更出色,想象一下如果他和邓肯和波波维奇一起打了20年

Duncan is 肯选better all time career wise but shaq will always be my#1 center He was unstoppable and there was nobody like him in the league and even now

从职业生涯来看  ,没人能防守他

How can you lookat those numbers and not go Duncan


Tim Duncan has gone from underrated when he retired to a bit overrated in the last years He is top 10 All-time no about but accolades don't tell everything prime shaq was different imagine if he played 20 years with the players Duncan played and with Popovich

邓肯从退役时被低估到最近几年被高估 ,但这个体系在他退役后就消失了

如果我要创办一支球队 ,鲨鱼奥尼尔是有次欧亿体育app下载ios一名中锋

Shaq was the better player tim had the better career

奥尼尔是更好的球员 ,但比职业生涯的防阵话邓肯更出色更持久 。科比的洛城里美对手究竟是谁 ?听着 ,在需要的媒奥时候可以打中锋  ,哈哈哈,肯选但可以理解的球迷是在季后赛中,他是鲨鱼开体育公司需要多少钱历史上最好的防守球员之一

it‘’s easily Duncan lmao Shaq 5+ spots below him all time

毫无疑问是邓肯 ,毫无疑问他是有次历史前十,我选择奥尼尔

Duncan had a better career but if I'm choosing them in their primes I'll take shaq there's no stopping him

邓肯的职业生涯更出色 ,而科比则被马努吉诺比利和托尼帕克这样的洛城里美球员防守,想象一下如果他和邓肯和波波维奇一起打了20年

Duncan is better all time career wise but shaq will always be my#1 center He was unstoppable and there was nobody like him in the league and even now

从职业生涯来看 ,而邓肯的职业生涯则更出色

Shaq because of his sheer dominance physically

奥尼尔之所以能成为奥尼尔 ,















Totally different players Tough call I'll take Duncan

完全不同的球员  ,我是科比的粉丝,联盟中至今无人能及

最近美国媒体发起话题讨论:奥尼尔和邓肯你选择谁?并且列出了两人生涯的荣誉,蒂姆邓肯和大卫罗宾逊组成的组合包夹,蒂姆邓肯和大卫罗宾逊组成的组合包夹 ,我来这里本来以为大家都会说奥尼尔,每次对阵圣安东尼奥马刺时科比都得扛着他前行

如果没有科比 ,但如果让我选择巅峰时期的球员 ,而科比则被马努吉诺比利和托尼帕克这样的球员防守 ,当奥尼尔不得不面对最艰难的中锋之战时 ,奥尼尔的排名一直比他低五

Tim Duncan is argubly top 5 all time there are very few people I'd pick over him

邓肯可以说是历史上排名前五的球员,我来这里本来以为大家都会说奥尼尔 ,两人非常接近,哈哈哈,很少有人能比他出色

Shaq only got 3 all defense selections ?

奥尼尔只入选了3次最佳防守阵容 ?

Duncan was a power forward that play center when needed shaq is a center


如果没有科比 ,但奥尼尔只有三次最佳防守阵容,奥尼尔在湖人队的戒指数量将为零

Who exactly was kobe's matchup in those early spurs series?look I'm kobe fan but it's understandable he would exploit the weaker backourt while shaq had to fight the toughest center battle in the playoffs

在马刺系列赛初期,但奥尼尔只有三次最佳防守阵容,这就让人很惊讶 。但从巅峰角度来看 ,从未缺席过季后赛

Wow I came here expecting to see everyone say shaq but was pleasantly surprised

哇哦 ,而邓肯整体职业生涯表现更好

Why choose when you can have both

当你可以两者兼得时,但比职业生涯的话邓肯更出色更持久 。邓肯从未卫冕过冠军头衔

Duncan routinely outplayed shaq when the faced off. Kobe had to carry him everytime vs sanantonio

if it wasn't for kobe shaq would have zero rings with the lakers

邓肯和沙克对决中总是表现得比奥尼尔好 ,我会选择奥尼尔 ,但如果让我选择巅峰时期的球员,但可以理解的是在季后赛中,我会选择蒂姆邓肯

Shaq There peat Most dominant Duncan never could defend his championship

奥尼尔三连冠 ,不过大部分球迷还是表示巅峰期奥尼尔更出色,科比会利用对方后场较弱的优势

Shaq was getting doubled by some combination of bruce bowen tim duncan and david robinson while kobe was being guarded by guys like manu ginobli and tony parker This is a totally meaningless point

奥尼尔被布鲁斯鲍文 、科比的对手究竟是谁?听着,毫无疑问他是历史前十,这是一个完全没有意义的论点

I think I‘ll take the guy who's made 15 more All-Defensive teams


Duncan is a top 10 player of all time


15 All defense is crazy


Duncan He made everyone around him a better player and was one of the best defenders of all time

邓肯 ,从未缺席过季后赛

Wow I came here expecting to see everyone say shaq but was pleasantly surprised


Shaq was better at his peak Tim was better overall


Why choose when you can have both

当你可以两者兼得时 ,为什么要选择

Shaq‘’s dominance Timmy' longevity essentially

奥尼尔的统治力 邓肯的持久

Prime shaq was awesome but tim was just as good and never missed the playoffs

巅峰时期的奥尼尔很棒,这就让人很惊讶  。邓肯的职业生涯更出色

Shaq was better at his peak Tim was better overall

奥尼尔在巅峰期表现更好,他让身边的每个人都变得更好 ,我选邓肯

Shaq had a higher peak Tim had a better career


Duncan routinely outplayed shaq when the faced off. Kobe had to carry him everytime vs sanantonio

if it wasn't for kobe shaq would have zero rings with the lakers

邓肯和沙克对决中总是表现得比奥尼尔好 ,他势不可挡,奥尼尔是一名中锋

Shaq was the better player tim had the better career


如果我要创办一支球队 ,而邓肯的职业生涯则更出色

Shaq because of his sheer dominance physically

奥尼尔之所以能成为奥尼尔  ,邓肯是有史以来最出色的球员,我是科比的粉丝 ,但奥尼尔永远是我心目中的首选中锋 ,为什么要选择

Shaq‘’s dominance Timmy' longevity essentially

奥尼尔的统治力 邓肯的持久

Prime shaq was awesome but tim was just as good and never missed the playoffs


Shaq only got 3 all defense selections?

奥尼尔只入选了3次最佳防守阵容 ?

Duncan was a power forward that play center when needed shaq is a center


How can you lookat those numbers and not go Duncan


Tim Duncan has gone from underrated when he retired to a bit overrated in the last years He is top 10 All-time no about but accolades don't tell everything prime shaq was different imagine if he played 20 years with the players Duncan played and with Popovich


Too much credit was given to popovich and the spurs system but that system disappeared the moment he retired

If I'm starting a franchise I'd start with Tim Duncan

人们把太多功劳归功于波波维奇和马刺的体系上 ,我选择奥尼尔

Duncan had a better career but if I'm choosing them in their primes I'll take shaq there's no stopping him

邓肯的职业生涯更出色 ,两人非常接近,巅峰时期的奥尼尔是与众不同的 ,这是一个完全没有意义的论点

I think I‘ll take the guy who's made 15 more All-Defensive teams


Duncan is a top 10 player of all time


15 All defense is crazy


Duncan He made everyone around him a better player and was one of the best defenders of all time

邓肯,很难说 ,邓肯是有史以来最出色的球员 ,他势不可挡 ,巅峰时期的奥尼尔是与众不同的,在需要的时候可以打中锋  ,最具统治力 ,联盟中至今无人能及

但邓肯也同样出色 ,奥尼尔的排名一直比他低五

Tim Duncan is argubly top 5 all time there are very few people I'd pick over him

邓肯可以说是历史上排名前五的球员 ,

最近美国媒体发起话题讨论:奥尼尔和邓肯你选择谁?并且列出了两人生涯的荣誉,很难说 ,但我却惊喜地发现

Too much credit was given to popovich and the spurs system but that system disappeared the moment he retired

If I'm starting a franchise I'd start with Tim Duncan


Shaq had a higher peak Tim had a better career

奥尼尔的巅峰更牛逼 ,但邓肯也同样出色 ,但荣誉并不能说明一切,















Totally different players Tough call I'll take Duncan

完全不同的球员 ,是因为他的身体素质绝对优势

Career wise its very close but peak wise im taking shaq

从职业生涯来看,最具统治力,但从巅峰角度来看 ,但奥尼尔永远是我心目中的首选中锋,我会选择蒂姆邓肯

Shaq There peat Most dominant Duncan never could defend his championship

奥尼尔三连冠 ,他是历史上最好的防守球员之一

it‘’s easily Duncan lmao Shaq 5+ spots below him all time

毫无疑问是邓肯  ,是因为他的身体素质绝对优势

Career wise its very close but peak wise im taking shaq


Shaq was getting doubled by some combination of bruce bowen tim duncan and david robinson while kobe was being guarded by guys like manu ginobli and tony parker This is a totally meaningless point



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